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What is datacamp?

DataCamp is a website to learn programming for data analytics and data science. Over the past few years, I’ve managed to complete 44 courses as well as eight learning tracks offered by DataCamp, totaling 308 hours of coursework.

How much money has datacamp raised?

In total, throughout its history, DataCamp has raised over $30 million. Fagnan asserted that he was not neutral, arguing that investors aren’t involved in the everyday business of a company. “We invest and provide high-level guidance; they [the DataCamp executive team] run the company,” Fagnan said in an emailed response.

Can I cancel datacamp?

You can cancel at any time AND they have a free trial. If you put in the work, DataCamp will give you the skills and practice you need to solidify the foundational concepts of data science. You’ll have to apply those skills in challenging, real-world situations to gain fluency, though.

Did datacamp offer a non-disparagement package?

In its April blog post, DataCamp took issue with the assertion: “As standard practice, DataCamp offered these departing individuals separation packages that contained non-disparagement provisions which specifically and expressly would have permitted them to raise concerns about the company.”

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